Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hypnosis: A Reliable Treatment For Cancer?

What kind of medical problems can be managed using hypnosis?
Generally, any medical condition which has a psychogenic origin (generated by the subconscious mind) can de alleviated or even completely cured, starting from a simple gastritis and ending with the most unforgiving autoimmune diseases such as cancer.

Can even cancer be completely eliminated from a person's body?
The answer is ....YES! However, who can claim such a statement? Who's got the proof?
Well, there is one hypnotist whose work helped hundreds of cancer dying people get better and even completely recover completely from the big C. His name is Steve Parkhill, one of the finest hypnosis professionals who ever walked this Earth (although very little known, unfortunately). He worked especially with people suffering from cancer that literally was given no chance of survival by the medical doctors. People, who were sent home to die because traditional medicine had no more answers, were restoring full health after working with Steve.
Steve's rate of success with cancer patients was in excess of 80 %, the same people that were given 0 percent recovery by their M.D's. When you see that, it seems that something is happening, right?

You can read more about his work in his book:"Answer Cancer - The Healing of a Nation ", an extraordinary publication that explains the mechanism of developing cancer in the human body and also the mechanism of healing and learning precious life lessons from that debilitating experience.

 If hypnosis could be used to cure cancer, then it can give extraordinary results for other medical problems, which stem from the human's mind, and the real world practice proved this in hundred of thousand patients suffering from: asthma, almost any type of allergy, digestive diseases (gastritis, gastric ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome), a lot of skin autoimmune diseases (psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo), other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn disease, fibromyalgia, diabetes. And even impotence and frigidity can be alleviated or complete eliminated using hypnosis!

Hypnosis And Conditioning : The Two Secret Methods To Make Positive Changes

I do believe that everybody wants to change something about them: some people want to earn more money; others maybe want to loose a few pounds or to stop smoking for good.
For every man or woman, there is a motivation to make a change in their life. However, unfortunately, in reality, these changes are usually hard to make. Persistence does help us to achieve our goals, but seldom it is not enough.
What I have realized after studying this topic for some years that the external change occurs after the change in perception. In other words, the inner game drives the outer game.

The question is: How can we define “the inner stuff”? The hypnosis professionals call it “the subconscious mind”, and this is the total sum of our beliefs, habits, emotions and perceptions that we have. It is the container that stores all our memories and all the things that make our reality.

Everything we have ever learned is stored in the subconscious mind. It works like a high speed recorder for all our five senses: it stores perfectly everything we’ve seen, heard, and smelled, touched or tasted from the first day until the present time.
A very small amount of this vast information gets to our conscious mind in the form of memories.

The way we respond or act to the situations that happen in our life is also stored in the subconscious mind.
In order to make a change, the information associated with this new change must get to subconscious level and replace the old existing one which limits our behavior.
For example, if we have a fear of public speaking, and we want to remove that fear in order to become a good speaker. We need to replace “I feel terrified when speaking in public with new empowering information, such as “I am an excellent and successful public speaker”!

Then, why is it so difficult to make a positive change? In order to understand this, we need to understand how the information gets into the subconscious mind:

When a person is born, the subconscious is blank, has no information inside. That’s why some people call it “tabula rasa”, meaning clean slate. By the time the child grows, the subconscious begins to gather more and more information. The child then learns that it is better to behave the way his parents tell him so that he can get the reward such as praise or a piece of candy.

All these perceptions begin to crystallize then later in the form of habits and beliefs, which finally embody the structure of reality for that person. Reality is subjective for every human being because we all perceive it in a different manner. One of the core NLP concepts is that “The map is not the territory”.

This “map” is the manner, particular about every one of us that we perceive our reality, and it is made of “programs” that run in our mind – the subconscious mind. It works in a similar way with a computer program which makes the computer perform different tasks. For example, if you want your computer to calculate a spreadsheet you need to load that specific program into its memory. If you want a new version of that program to work on your computer, you need to load the newer version and replace the old existing one.
Our subconscious mind is a bit more complex than a computer. In order to change existent information with a new and better one, it is not only necessary to insert the later into the subconscious. The new data must have more energy, more power than the existing one.

And what is that energy? The energy of the subconscious mind is the emotional energy. Emotions and imagination are the ones that live in this inner mind.

There is another reason why it is difficult to make positive changes we want. It’s about the inertia. All our old habits and beliefs have their own inertia, which makes them relatively fixed, stable. And this stability brings consistency to our personality. Without consistency, we would not have a personality. We would change our opinion and beliefs much too easily, which could be dangerous for us.
Imagine what would it happen if we start believing everything around us. We would buy all the ideas and the products that anyone wants to sell us!
More, we need that consistency that assurance, that tomorrow we shall be the same person and to the things we did today, because these things are familiar and work for us. At least we have survived until now doing those things, right?
Fortunately there are at least two methods to make the changes that we want. And what I mean by changes is long term changes. One of them is the classic conditioning described by Dr. Ivan Pavlov.
The other one is hypnosis, which give us the possibility to work with the elements of the subconscious mind.
Let’s talk about conditioning: Whenever we couple together an action and a stimulus (or perception), by repetition these two become intertwined to such an extent that the one will become a trigger for the other. For example, a lot of people a cup of coffee can be a trigger to light up a cigarette (and vice verse). This trigger usually happens automatically, even without conscious acknowledgement. How can we use conditioning for our benefit?

The answer is easy: by creating positive rituals. A positive ritual is a group of actions we do anyway, which triggers another action we want to do. For example, we can combine waking up in the morning with making some physical exercises (or writing your goals for the day. After we repeat these two actions quite enough, it will get automatically, effortless. Doing some physical exercises (or writing our daily goals) become a second nature and will be ingrained in our nervous system.
How much time does this take?
Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz (“The Power of Full Engagement”) say we can set almost any ritual in as much as 30 days. They also recommended that we might want to focus only on one ritual and bring it to completion, rather than trying to pursue several in the same time.
The positive ritual is an extraordinary tool to achieve our goals by transforming them into actions that we do anyway, all the time, even without thinking or trying. As a consequence success will become conditioned, inevitable.
Great achievers such as Tiger Woods and Ivan Lendl use the power of the positive rituals in their professional and private life (of course they took a lot of time to embed a lot of rituals).
Lacking the implementing of positive rituals is one of the main reasons that prevent us to achieve the positive changes in our life. We struggle to learn more to attend self-help workshops and personal development courses. We read a lot of books and get motivated, for the moment. However, after a couple of days or weeks, unfortunately we return to our old, familiar habits without implementing the new knowledge. We are attracted to the “gravitational force field” of our familiar habits.
BUT... as soon as we go beyond this one, the desired change becomes inevitable.
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Conditioning is the one intuitive method to bring changes in our life. Although effective, it takes some time and effort to embed the daily rituals in our life.

But there is another counterintuitive method to achieve the desired results: a tool which empowers us to work directly with the elements of the inner mind in a fast and effective manner.

This second method is called hypnosis: the ability to bypass the critical factor of our critical, analytical mind (the one that tells us we can’t do or deserve what we really want) and establish the selective thinking (the empowering exciting new ideas and beliefs) which help us create a new perspective and gain new abilities.
By setting ourselves free from all the limited thinking and beliefs, we can create a new
reality, a new awareness of our endless possibilities, abundance and happiness: our personal “Heaven on Earth”!