Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hypnosis: A Reliable Treatment For Cancer?

What kind of medical problems can be managed using hypnosis?
Generally, any medical condition which has a psychogenic origin (generated by the subconscious mind) can de alleviated or even completely cured, starting from a simple gastritis and ending with the most unforgiving autoimmune diseases such as cancer.

Can even cancer be completely eliminated from a person's body?
The answer is ....YES! However, who can claim such a statement? Who's got the proof?
Well, there is one hypnotist whose work helped hundreds of cancer dying people get better and even completely recover completely from the big C. His name is Steve Parkhill, one of the finest hypnosis professionals who ever walked this Earth (although very little known, unfortunately). He worked especially with people suffering from cancer that literally was given no chance of survival by the medical doctors. People, who were sent home to die because traditional medicine had no more answers, were restoring full health after working with Steve.
Steve's rate of success with cancer patients was in excess of 80 %, the same people that were given 0 percent recovery by their M.D's. When you see that, it seems that something is happening, right?

You can read more about his work in his book:"Answer Cancer - The Healing of a Nation ", an extraordinary publication that explains the mechanism of developing cancer in the human body and also the mechanism of healing and learning precious life lessons from that debilitating experience.

 If hypnosis could be used to cure cancer, then it can give extraordinary results for other medical problems, which stem from the human's mind, and the real world practice proved this in hundred of thousand patients suffering from: asthma, almost any type of allergy, digestive diseases (gastritis, gastric ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome), a lot of skin autoimmune diseases (psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo), other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn disease, fibromyalgia, diabetes. And even impotence and frigidity can be alleviated or complete eliminated using hypnosis!

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